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Living Under an Open Heaven

The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this

Daily Devotional


May 11

hildren of the Promise, this is the first time that I use that title for you! You must understand how very important it is to your Father that promises made, and promises kept are at the center of the full integrity and honor of God your Savior. People who think little of their promises to others (as well as those to God) will have a life of constant misery and failure in this world. From heaven a word goes forth to you. Standing behind that holy word of promise is all the weight and force of your Father in Glory to deliver the results of that promise "straight to your front door!" The Lord says, "You have seen well for I am ready to perform my word (to you)!" (Jeremiah 1:12 NKJV) It is very urgent that you place deeply within your heart and inside the structure of your faith in God the belief that once God has spoken any word to you, He will stand by His word to make it happen for you. His full integrity and character is thrown behind keeping His promises. This should cause your heart to rejoice and it should cause you to rest peacefully in the presence of your God who is so adamant about fulfilling His word to you! "If we confess our sins, He is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:9) It is a pity that some of my children have such little faith in this simple promise that they constantly invite condemnation and guilt spirits of the Evil One to beat them up over the thought of the work not being done. It is time for you to leave this lie behind you and go on to better things in the Lord. Face the lies head on and prove that you have both a fondness and a trusting love for your Father that He will keep you in His loving care all the days of your life. Say that to your Father! Repeat it until the comfort of the idea of your assurance becomes a quiet, peaceful part of your belief and faith in Him. Children of God should not strive (struggle constantly with the things of simple faith), you need to move forward in your Christian experience and trust to the point that you leave these things behind you and go on to the issues which prove your maturity and usefulness in "bearing fruit" for the Kingdom of God! Don't you agree?


Father, help me! I have played these silly childish games with my own faith in you. When I read your promises, they become a direct word to my own heart and faith. Then I know that what you say to me is as good as pure gold. I can take it to the Bank of Heaven, and know that I have gained in every way from trusting myself to you and your Faithfulness toward me. In Jesus' name I pray, amen!

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