Featured Sermon

Living Under an Open Heaven

The highest plan of God for our lives is to bring us to a place by His Holy Spirit where we live continuously under an open heaven. What does this

Daily Devotional


May 12

hild of God, it is important that you learn very quickly how to trust your life completely to your Heavenly Father. This world is so filled with dangers to the children of the King, and the Evil One is constantly seeking to do you harm. If you make poor, sinful decisions on a regular basis, you may draw some of these dangers to yourself or to your loved ones and they could prove very hurtful. If you have a negative feeling or witness about something, then be still and do not rush toward doing it! Offer yourself and your decisions to the Holy Spirit, and you will be able to safely navigate the waters of adversities. The Children of God who continually offer themselves and their decisions to Christ will find themselves being lead powerfully by the loving, protective Holy Spirit. This kind of offering of yourself activates the Holy Spirit on your behalf--- try it this way, "Father, in the name of Jesus, your Son, I offer myself, and my loved ones to you in this decision that I am about to make. I will not make any move that I do not believe is a guided move by your precious Holy Spirit!" Beloved, this little phrase is packed with power and the miraculous! In this offering, you show honor, love, praise, reverence, and sincere blessing to your Father in Heaven. For this reason, He sees this offering and takes you seriously in your desire to allow Him in His great wisdom and holy oversight to be your leader, and He takes you seriously in your intentions. Remember, you truly belong always to your Father. Your life ceases to be your own to do whatever you wish when you cross over the line (the blood washed line) into the family of God. With this attitude, you insure your safety, and you also secure the fact that if you make mistakes, the Holy Spirit will make up the difference in the mistakes and rescue you from the snare of the Devil. This is great news, isn't it? Beloved, walk in love, humility and praise to your Father, and you will never lack for His presence in your daily life!


Father, I thank you for your holy presence and for your availability to me in my moment by moment walk with you! Bless me, and remind me of my need to remain strongly accountable to you always, in Jesus' name, amen!

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